Friday, July 17, 2009


Small yellow gourd, Painter 2b pencil, about 20 minutes.  Still not doing well with the time limit.  I am enjoying the process.  I also recorded the drawing process, and I'm going to see about converting/ processing and posting that file tomorrow.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tape Measure

Stanley tape measure, also Painter 2b pencil with maroon color.  This one took a little less time, about 15 minutes instead of 20.  The shading and proportions could be better.    Maybe tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lego Tree

Lego tree on the top of my desk, my latest experiment with Painter and my new Bamboo tablet.

About 20 minutes, Painter 2b pencil colored green.  I'll be trying some shorter drawings this week, trying to get the hang of digital burns.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

News Flash to Me - It's 2009!

Of my blogs, this one probably has the most posts.  I posted 46 drawings between August and October of 2006, and the last post in 2007. 

I'm about to start my twelfth year teaching and my fourth year teaching high school art in Texas.  I don't teach classes at Michael's any more, unfortunately.  I will be updating this blog as frequently as I am able over the next few weeks.  That may be once a day and it may be once a month, depending on my other projects.

I'll be practicing using my Bamboo tablet and Painter on my computer to get better at digital media.  I have to say the one thing that gets me most is that I can't turn the tablet to make line direction easier like I can with paper, and that's fairly frustrating.  Otherwise, I liked my old tablet so much that when I decided to take it to school to use, I had to buy this new one.  I do wish the new one had a slot on the tablet itself to store the pen, instead of the separate pen stand.